Adult Education

The Tehama eLearning Adult Education office is located at 525 Pine Street, Suite B in Red Bluff. We are on the corner of Pine Street and Madison Street.
We can be reached between 8:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday by dialing (530) 527-7055, faxing (530) 527-1010 or you may also contact us by emailing Lisa Lynch at,
We can be reached between 8:00am - 3:00pm Monday-Friday by dialing (530) 527-7055, faxing (530) 527-1010 or you may also contact us by emailing Lisa Lynch at,
Support staff is available on-site during the hours of operation to help answer any questions you may have.
Registration forms are available at the office or may be accessed online by clicking on the link below.
If you are already enrolled and would like to access your online coursework please click on the link below.
Follow this link to log on to Schools PLP.
Better Jobs and ESL
For more information call (530) 527-7055